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eyeOS Administration Application

 Score 50%
 Aug 5 2014



eyeOS Business App

 Score 50%
 May 31 2013



eyeOS Adventure Game

 Score 50%
 Oct 3 2012

War Game


eyeOS Action Game

 Score 58%
 Mar 8 2012



eyeOS Desktop Application

4 Comments  1 Fan  
 Score 60%
 Apr 1 2011



eyeOS Multimedia Application

9 Comments  1 Question  
 Score 58%
 Feb 16 2011



eyeOS Board Game

 Score 50%
 Jan 24 2011



eyeOS Internet Application

 Score 50%
 Dec 29 2010
su (switch user)

su (switch user)


eyeOS Administration Application

1 Fan  
 Score 56%
 Dec 14 2010
Improved internal mail

Improved internal mail


eyeOS Desktop Application

1 Fan  
 Score 53%
 Dec 10 2010

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