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Win 10.000,- EUR at the "Qtest Mobile App Port"

Win 10.000,- EUR at the "Qtest Mobile App Port"

By Frank
Published: Dec 28 2010

Qtest Mobile App Port
Contest for Qt and KDE applications

Win 10.000,- EUR at the "Qtest Mobile App Port"

Welcome to the Qtest Mobile App Port! As developers of applications using Qt, you already know how great it is to work with - but how about on mobile platforms, such as Symbian and MeeGo? How would you like to take that step you have been wanting to take, but not been able to justify: Take your application from the desktop and bring it into the hand-held world via the Ovi store.
Let this contest be the justification, with the possibility of a new phone or even 10,000 euros waiting at the end.

The contest starts on 20th of December, 2010, and runs till 28th of February. The 31st of December is important for you if you wish to take part in the Early Bird competition. If you do no win, you will still take part in the main competition, and will be allowed to continue your work and submit new versions to the Ovi Store. The 28th of February is the deadline for taking part in the main competition.

Developer Sprint: There will be a sponsored developer sprint organized together with the KDE e.V. during the competition. The travel and stay can be paid for if you do not have the budget yourself. Further details will be made public at a later time, and all participants will be notified of this information via email.

Win 10.000,- EUR at the "Qtest Mobile App Port"

Judging and prizes:
The Qtest Mobile App Port is evaluated by a panel of judges which will be announced in the next few days. The jury will pic 5 winners at 31th of December as the early bird winners. Every winner gets a free N900 phone. The main competition first prize is EUR 10,000, which will be awarded to the application which the judges find to be the best ported application. The second to sixth price will be another 5 N900 phones.

And, finally: Everybody who takes part in the competition will be awarded a gift bag, with a T-shirt and other merchandise.


To be able to take part in the contest, the ported application must be submitted for Ovi Store signing by one of the two deadlines:
- Early bird entries must be submitted by December 31st
- Standard entries must be submitted by February 28th

You also have to submit your application to the "Mobile Contest" category on Qt-Apps.org or MeeGo-Central.org

You can submit your application to the Ovi Store as many times as you wish during the competition. This allows you to get feedback from the public on your software. It´s possible to submit new or existing KDE/Qt applications

So have fun and good luck everybody!


Contest deadline extended
Several developers approached me and asked for more time to port their applications.
So we extend the deadline of the contest to 15. of April. Everybody has one more month to port a KDE or Qt application to Symbian or MeeGo.
Remember that you can win 10.000,- so please consider to make your KDE or Qt application ready for mobile.

You find more informatiuon in the original contest announcement:

Please make sure that you also provide binaries for you applications. This makes is a lot easier for the jury to test you application.

Have fun and good luck.


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 Still din't recieve my Nokia N900

 by slavachernikoff on: Sep 5 2011
Score 50%
slavachernikoffslavachernik off
GeekyFriends .com
Slava Chernikoff -27

Russian Federation, Voronezh
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I'm still waiting for my Nokia N900. It seems like there a standard issue with Russian delivery service :(

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