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eyeOS Multimedia Application

Score 54%
Downloads:  338
Submitted:  Nov 29 2009
Updated:  Nov 29 2009


This is Pixlr Express (http://www.pixlr.com/) integrated into eyeos.

With eyePixlrExpress you can edit your PNG, GIF and JPEG images/photos.

If you want a better image editor I suggest eyePixlr.

WARNING: I didn't test the package before releasing it, i simply changed eyePixlr to use the express instead of the editor.


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 It works but...

 by fbocquet on: Nov 29 2009
Score 50%

the first message when I open the application propose to create a new image (like for eyePixlr) but you can't create a new one only edit an existing image from an URL or from eyeOS Files.
You just need to change the first message :-)
Change "new" by "open from my computer or from URL"
It work for open file from URL and from the computer. I can open with from my document. All is wright to open a file :-)


When I want save change, I've this message "The requested URL /express/false was not found on this server." On eyePixlr, it work fine :-(

Other small problem but a challenge for you, eyePixlExpress and eyePixlr start in English, while the version available in French and on http://www.pixlr.com/editor/?loc=fr http://www.pixlr.com/express/?loc=fr. "fr" is the international code of the browser (or version of eyeOS). Is it possible to add the test to provide the correct language version (and if it does not default to English)?
It would be really helpful.

Thank you in advance.

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 Re: It works but...

 by danielrs on: Nov 29 2009
Score 50%

It seams that Pixlr Express doesn't support creating new images :( I'll change eyePixlrExpress Dialog.

I already implemented the i18n, it should use the same language in Pixlr and eyeos. I'll check later why it isn't working.

Thanks for the feedback ;)

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 Re: Re: It works but...

 by fbocquet on: Jan 11 2010
Score 50%

There is a new version for Pixlr Express, some usability and new API Parameters maxwidth/maxheight
There is an api to adapt langage parameter. http://pixlr.com/express
If you can adapt you app it'll be very usefull.
Unfortunatly, I'm not a developper to do improvement :-(
Thanks a lot !

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 Re: Re: Re: It works but...

 by danielrs on: Jan 12 2010
Score 50%

The app uses the same language as the eyeos system. I tested with the fr language, what language are you using?

I don't see any difference on the api documentation...

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: It works but..

 by fbocquet on: Jan 12 2010
Score 50%

So It's work correctly in french but there is some little problems : I can't save the work. When I click on save I just have a window with this error "Not Found
The requested URL /express/false was not found on this server."
Thanks a lot if you could fix this problem !

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: It works but..

 by danielrs on: Jan 16 2010
Score 50%

eyePixlr is working, but eyePixlrExpress isn't :S

I'll take a look at it when I have time...

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: It wor

 by fbocquet on: Jan 19 2010
Score 50%

Thanks a lot !

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