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FluiDE (New Computer Interfaces Discussion)




This group is to discuss a new interface for Linux, and hopefully make one, based on top of Gnome or another desktop environment.

The main goal of this interface will be to create an extremely natural and "out of your way" shell. All aspects of traditional interfaces will be examined to see if they are the best implementation for today. Reinventing the wheel may not be best in all cases, but what about when the wheel becomes obsolete? For example, the traditional menu first appeared around the 1980s! Things have changed since then. Of course, ideas on how to do it other ways will be subject to the same rules. Just because it is different doesn't mean it is better.

What got me started thinking this way is when I saw this mock-up by Martin Gimpl:


Some of the ideas are very interesting! Also, with all the new interfaces coming out (Gnome3, Unity, Windows 8) it seemed like this would be the perfect time to try to start a new project.

NOTE: Although I have the group set so I have to moderate who can join, I want everyone who wants to join to do so! I only have that as a precaution against spam.

Created:Jul 13 2011
Changed:Apr 27 2012
Readability:readable for everybody
Membership:new members need admin approval

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 Goodbye, for now

 by user333 on: Feb 16 2013
Score 50%

I just thought I'd let you all know that although I am still just as exited about the project as ever, I may not work on it for a long time :( I'm just too busy and this isn't at the top of my priorities.

I loved the conversations that went on here, and I will keep them tucked in the back of my mind until I have another chance to make this project a reality :) I hope to be back really soon!

Here is the single most important thing you can ever read:
If you agree, put this in your signature too ;)

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 Re: Goodbye, for now

 by krig on: Feb 16 2013
Score 50%

I like the simplicity UI that old gtk-engines offers, like Mist Engine or Metal Engine; unfortunately, Gnome has already took opposal way for now. My contribution is for simplicity, clean and elegant user interface.

Just be blessed.

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