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implementing site tags


Discussion about implementing tags to this site - what should be implemented - thoughts, ideas, suggestions, talks, simply everything

Tags were also discussed in the improved voting system group here:

Tag implementation on freshmeat.net (browse the site to see it in action):

If you have another idea of site improvement you can discuss it also in openDesktop.org improvement group here:

Created:Jul 29 2009
Changed:Aug 13 2009
Readability:readable for everybody
Membership:everybody can join

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 by novomente on: Jul 29 2009
Score 50%

In improved voting system were TAGs discussed as a need to implement to the site. Meanwhile it is discussed as one of the best feature allowing not top rated content to be shown more frequently. TAG implementation also means a better way of browsing and searching ability with respect to individual preferences.

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 opening post

 by novomente on: Jul 30 2009
Score 50%

* How TAGs should be implemented? Should be only predefined tags or (also) some number of content specific tags freely customizable by uploader?

* Should there be some tags which voters can attach to the content (for example quality marks)?

* Should be possible to browse and search within tag list?

* Do you have any idea, thoughts, suggestions etc. on how should searching, browsing, filtering and sorting content look like?

* What about using tags in groups, people, events, forum, knowledge base etc.?

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 Re: opening post

 by Emdek on: Jul 30 2009
Score 50%

I think that tags should be defined bu uploaders but it could be also be good idea to allow users to add tags for personal use - visible only for them(for example to mark contents which we like or dislike etc.).

And of course, search and browse is must have feature. ;-)
Search could use tags like words from content name while searching, this is probably easiest and most natural way.

And yes, use tags not only for content is also good idea. ;-)

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 Re: Re: opening post

 by novomente on: Jul 30 2009
Score 50%

to allow users to add tags for personal use - visible only for them
hmm...this is good idea. It could be like some kind of bookmarking. Each registered user could have its own list of tagged content (My Tagged Content).

I was also thinking of predefined tags like "Wallpaper","1024x600","1280x1024","GTK 2.x","Icons" for categorization and because lot of content can be more than a single type of content - different sizes of wallpapers, theme packs (Metacity, Compiz, GTK, Wallpaper) and that content should be displayed in more than one category.

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 Re: Re: Re: opening post

 by Emdek on: Jul 30 2009
Score 50%

Right, we could even imagine current categories based on these tags, instead of number identifiers we could show contents for given tags. Of course only selected tags would be used to generate official categories list.

Life is unfair...
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 Re: Re: Re: Re: opening post

 by novomente on: Jul 30 2009
Score 50%

So we talk about group of tags or maybe a tag profile. When I chose a category it applies a tag filter represented by that category. Then I can add or remove tags or however continue browse or search usage. Then there can be suggestions of most popular searches (groups of tags or profiles or whatever).

Moreover we can have saved searches - because user can usually continue search from previous day or search every day (or some time) by his/her personal preference. Saved search can be for registered users and even for not registered (server generates URL of that search which can be saved in a web browser as a bookmark).

And then we can have search (or browse) history (kept for some time) - again for registered and even for not registered user (with that generated URL).

For competitive uploaders there could be some contests in categories (group of tags) - e.g. "most downloaded wide wallpaper July 2009" "best blue theme pack of fall 2008" "most discussed KDE application 2009" etc.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: opening post

 by Emdek on: Jul 31 2009
Score 50%

I was thinking about these categories displayed in left column.

Saved searches are also good idea. :-)

Life is unfair...
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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: opening post

 by novomente on: Jul 31 2009
Score 50%

In left column, yes. I meant it like for example user chose a Wallpaper (in left column) and that adds a tag filter with single tag "wallpaper". Then in left column are shown subcategories for example "wide" and when user clicks on that subcategory it adds more tags to filter like:

show content containing any of these:
OR "1440x900"
OR "1680x1050"
OR "1920x1200"
OR "2560x1600"

and as you said only selected (server predefined) tags should be used for creating categories


 About tags

 by Fri13 on: Aug 5 2009
Score 50%

I dont think we can allow uploader to manage all tags. Because there are n+1 uploaders and n^2 stuff what get uploaded. This means that one uploader might add tags well and correctly. While other adds wrong tags or tags what does not explain the stuff at all.

We would end up having tag cloud full of hundreds of different tags like "Reddish" or "Red" or "Red-based".

I think we need about 50 different tags what are chosen by admins and it should be possible to vote tags being added or even removed/switched. This way we could get that we have one tag for "Red" wallpapers, one "Nature" tag for such wallpapers and one "Flower" tag for all kind flowers.

I think the best way would be that we have permament basic tags for stuff about the content. Like if someone is searching a wallpaper mostly with red color, it could be searched including the "Red" tag and then the typical sreen size. If the user wants to find typical "Urban" or "Nature" kind wallpaper with red contect, then just adding Red+Urban/Nature would find it.

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 Re: About tags

 by novomente on: Aug 7 2009
Score 50%

You are absolutely right. If uploaders will create every tag, it could end up as you said. On the other hand the tags defined by uploader may distinguish very specific content from others. Some example is a wallpaper (although not perfect example). Let's say that uploader create a very nice wallpaper with some kind of unusual animal - a fly for example, which is not so frequent on wallpapers. When the 'fly' tag is not defined by server then there is no way how to add it. Customizable tags can handle this.

Of course you can add the 'fly' word to a content name or description. But sometimes it could be better to add a content specific tag. The example may be this kind of feature:

Let's say that artist create a GTK theme and Metacity theme and wallpaper and maybe icons - a full theme. Then he can created one content page for whole theme pack. Or he can decide to split it to its parts' own categories. When he has the possibility to add his own tags than he can create a specific tag and add it to the theme content parts (gtk, metacity, wallpaper). So when somebody browse the site and clicks that specific tag then he gets a list of all parts of the full theme.

And anybody can add that tag to his/her own content to connect it with yours. It could be very interesting.

So maybe besides the server tags to categorize content and the server defined most frequent tags, there could be some limited number of custom tags defined by uploader. Intelligent tag searching ability, name suggestions while adding new tags and voting for tags which should be defined by server is then important. And can be a lot of fun.

There are surely other ways how to manage the above features. Tags is one way. What do you think?

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 Tags in discussions

 by novomente on: Aug 16 2009
Score 50%

When I think about tag, maybe it can be used in discussions (groups). The group discussion today has one problem. The discussion may be long and can have a lot of threads. When a newcomer or anybody else wants to add a comment to some thread in the beginning, who could read it? Because who reads all threads from beginning? The thread can also be placed in the middle of a single long thread.

So some highlighting of new comments should be good and also to browse threads of some kind could be good too. Often more threads discuss a one subject of a discussion. One such thread can be placed at the beginning of a long discussion and the other can be at the middle of the discussion. To browse and read all interesting threads, continue discussing old threads, add comments to the middle of a single thread and make it read - it should be better.

One of solutions can be tags. When somebody starts a thread, he/she can add a few tags or a single tag. When there is a new thread created it could be tagged with the tag/s of that older thread. Because the new thread is meant to discuss subjects the older thread discussed (there could be for example a link on every comments like: start a new thread with tags of this comment).

Then when somebody reads the newer thread then reader can click on the tag and all threads with that tag will be shown (with some sorting - date or whatever). So it's easier than today group which must be read from the beginning to the end to know everything discussing one kind of subject.

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