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 Qt4 dev on OpenBSD

 by Justeco on: Jun 10 2010
Score 50%

I use OpenBSD as my main Qt4 development OS. SOme people seem to find this strange or even crazy, but it always works perfectly or me, and the apps I am building are meant for use just about anywhere. Are other people using OpenBSD for their main development machine with Qt4?

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 Re: Qt4 dev on OpenBSD

 by tw1ggz on: Jun 11 2010
Score 50%
Sindustries. org IRC
mike stevens -27

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I use openbsd as a router/firewall and one very low end machines as a desktop where I have no expectation of being able to use the web well or have great support for most of my usb gadgetry....jre is a pain in the ass to even bother installing on openbsd, and flash is just non-existant (dont bother mentioning gnash, its a POS) ..as evil as these two entities are, they are nessecary to make use of 80% of the websites online today due to idiots thinking they _need_ adobe flash and java. As for qt4, Im more of an openbox man with all gtk2 apps.. I think kde/qt is a slow fat bitch. So yes, I think your ideas are strange. I do love the simplicity of openbsd, I dislike the age of the supplied pkgs. I dont like breaking pkg management to have newer apps...this shouldnt be nessecary. Hence I use debian testing as a desktop, debian stable as a server (my partner and I could not agree on FreeBSD for our dedicated box). I did like the gnobsd project, but I did notice that the openbsd community in almost its full force flamed this guy and his efforts until he took his iso offline. As a whole, even though I use openbsd at home occasionally for the few purposes I have stated above...I view openbsd users as elitest jerkoffs that are bitter because their OS is not often used for more than driver development. Theos attitude does not help the long term outlook for openbsd either. I guess he will always have the support of other jerks like he is. :/

irc.sindustries.org -
It damn sure doesn't run on ubuntu!
Oh yeah, and Linux is a kernel, not an OS
Someone shut BING down! It's a real POS.

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 Re: Re: Qt4 dev on OpenBSD

 by tw1ggz on: Jun 11 2010
Score 50%
Sindustries. org IRC
mike stevens -27

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distrowatch.com also flamed the openbsd community for disrespecting the the fellow that came out with a gnome based openbsd live install iso... thats pretty bad.. this article written by Ladislav Bodnar was also posted on plenty of other popular websites. The openbsd project is not gaining alot of ground simply because they are not even attempting to play nice with people that could/would be new openbsd users. An elitest attitude such as theirs (I just thought I was an elitest until the openbsd channels showed their asses) wont be doing them any good. Theo gets more bad press than good.

Links to article I mentioned (I fully agree with it) :


If you bother to google, this article has been copied to many other popular websites. I wish openbsd had a better community. It would behoove them to not be such elitest jerks.

irc.sindustries.org -
It damn sure doesn't run on ubuntu!
Oh yeah, and Linux is a kernel, not an OS
Someone shut BING down! It's a real POS.

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 Re: Re: Re: Qt4 dev on OpenBSD

 by Enqlave on: Jun 20 2010
Score 50%

If you bother to google, this article has been copied to many other popular websites. I wish openbsd had a better community. It would behoove them to not be such elitest jerks.

Oh, come on... It's good enough, you just don't understand them :P

It's well-known fact that OpenBSD is a system by developers _mostly for_ developers.

In my personal practice for the past 5 years I've been facing lot of problems (sometimes wasn't good in theory well, sometimes didn't know the answer to a specific question, sometimes needed a question for myself to go further on a problem to solve it, research more about it, etc.) and all these times they have been pretty helpful and smart.

But yes, if you don't give enough info about your problem, aren't interested in solution and so on, the community will not help you most of the times, and better make fun of you, especially on IRC. We respect noobs, but we don't respect stupid noobs with a questions like "Please fix me X for Y, but I don't wanna do anything" expressing theirs lazyness and irresponsibility.

OpenBSD community reminds me russian Mazda RX-8 community, they act the same :)

So let's just not call the people "jerks" just because they're busy too and don't want to waste time on a solution of your problem not interested to yourself.

And yes, I'd use every bit for its purpose. I used OpenBSD as a desktop OS for 2 years in the past. I can't say it's unusable but it's not so "shiny" as Linux-based systems are for multimedia (and some exotic stuff in this sphere). I'm talking about flash too, programs like Ardour, wine, inkscape (it wasn't available in 2006), etc.

So routers and firewalls are the best places for OpenBSD in my opinion. Guys try to create an open analogue of IOS and are good at it.

So let's esteem others' work and use it where it's really needed.

Dont wait to die to find paradise...
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 Re: Re: Qt4 dev on OpenBSD

 by Justeco on: Jun 11 2010
Score 50%

So, wait... You joined this group about an hour ago to respond to my question, and then, apparently without a gram of intentional irony, go on like this?

jre is a pain in the ass to even bother installing

I installed it for the first time last week. I didn't much enjoy needing to download bit of it myself, but I understand why that was required. I was actually impressed the porter went to such trouble considering.

and flash is just non-existant

clearly this is the fault of the community, since the Linux and Windows community wrote their own...

(dont bother mentioning gnash, its a POS)


As for qt4, Im more of an openbox man with all gtk2 apps.. I think kde/qt is a slow fat bitch.


I did like the gnobsd project, but I did notice that the openbsd community in almost its full force flamed this guy and his efforts until he took his iso offline. As a whole, even though I use openbsd at home occasionally for the few purposes I have stated above...I view openbsd users as elitest jerkoffs

Uh huh... Did they call it a POS or a slow fat bitch? Do you really lack the self-awareness to see what you are doing here?

Theos attitude does not help the long term outlook for openbsd either.

yeah, obviously. No way OpenBSD will last ... 14 years... Or produce anything that anyone else cares about.

This site clearly needs an ignore feature.

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 Re: Re: Re: Qt4 dev on OpenBSD

 by tw1ggz on: Jun 15 2010
Score 50%
Sindustries. org IRC
mike stevens -27

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I look for MirOS becoming more successful in the long run :),

Yes, you were right, I was not very self aware after being 3/4 of the way through a 6 pack of paulaner salvator dopplebocks :P That does not change the fact that Theo and 90% of the openbsd community are elitest jerks.

As for the flash thing, atleast you can run flash natively on fbsd and linux. You can run it with linux emulation which in my experiences with it on openbsd, sucks. And gnash _does_ suck on all three platforms. :/

irc.sindustries.org -
It damn sure doesn't run on ubuntu!
Oh yeah, and Linux is a kernel, not an OS
Someone shut BING down! It's a real POS.

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 Re: Qt4 dev on OpenBSD

 by Justeco on: Jun 15 2010
Score 50%

For the record, I was under the impression I was posting my original question at "qt-apps.org" in a group called OpenBSD, so bear with me if I find any comments about other people being jerks to be a bit hard to digest. However...

6 pack of paulaner salvator dopplebocks

yum. Try Three Floyds' Decimator if you can find it where you are. They don't have it around here, sadly.

That does not change the fact that Theo and 90% of the openbsd community are elitest jerks.

I'm not sure we would agree on what constitutes a "fact". I know a handful of the developers personally and they are all pretty great folks. I don't know Theo, and although I can appreciate some of the responses to his particularly warm and fuzzy style writing style, I am not under the impression that building a larger user base through hugs and smiles is one of the project goals.

I'm not stupid enough to think that defending Theo ANYWHERE is going to be met with thoughtful responses, so I will quit there.

There are many folks, both in the Free Software world and elsewhere, who I don't feel the need to like in order to appreciate their work.

As for the flash thing, atleast you can run flash natively on fbsd and linux. You can run it with linux emulation which in my experiences with it on openbsd, sucks. And gnash _does_ suck on all three platforms. :/

No. There is no native Flash for FreeBSD despite long efforts by the community to convince Adobe to release one. Flash under FreeBSD is through Linux Emulation and is very slow. I actually had better luck with gnash for YouTube videos, but it was unstable for many other uses. This was a while ago; I can't comment on the current progress.

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