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Linux Peace


I'm sick of reading about Kubuntu fans saying how much better KDE is than Ubuntu and GNOME and vice versa, what the hell are you fighting over, we're all using Linux! Why Linux users would fight over various distros just seems dumb to me. People are acting like Ubuntu and its deratives are the only Linux distros, and that somehow they are competitors?!
Aren't you forgetting about Gentoo Linux, Mandriva, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Debian, Fedora, SUSE Linux or any of the other 200 Linux distros?

Join this group if you're tired of and against all of the groups consisting of "No Ubuntu bla bla bla"-, "Kubuntu is better than Ubuntu"- or "Ubuntu is better than Kubuntu"-bullshit!
Also while we're at it, people are fighting over different desktop environments, like "KDE vs GNOME" and so on, I find that just as dumb.

Personally I am a Ubuntu fan and I love Gnome, but that doesn't mean I don't like KDE or Kubuntu, or any other distro. Sure, some distros I like better than others, but I don't go on flaming the ones I didn't like.

Created:Jul 1 2008
Changed:Jul 24 2008
Readability:readable for everybody
Membership:everybody can join

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 cmon people

 by tuahaa on: Jun 27 2009
Score 50%

The main thing is that we are using Linux. Who cares which one? I mean, it's better than giving into Micro$oft's money making schemes. I chose Ubuntu because it was the easiest to find. If I ever had a choice, I would choose Ubuntu because it is familiar to me. Most people would do this too for their first operating system because they probably won't try others in the first place, but instead, just screaming about how their version is the best.

Like how I was a microsoft fanboy with Vista until it crashed. Microsoft told me to buy a new CD. I said "hell no". Then I remembered my uncle dual booted Linux desktop distros just for the fun of it. I was completely new to Linux, first I downloaded the original command-line style version. I thought that was the one I was looking for until I actually installed it. Lucky I had another computer to download another Linux distro. I chose Ubuntu since, like I said before, it was the easiest to find, but I am sure I would be happy with any other one...

So it doesn't matter what is what people! Just as long as we don't give a tonne of money to the devil for a miserable box containing a few cd's which they call Windows...

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 Re: cmon people

 by 24Scorpions on: Jun 27 2009
Score 50%


Make the town dance with the animal.
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