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anti windows lookalike themes


Because real Linux users hate windows and windows lookalike themes!

Created:Feb 8 2010
Changed:Mar 6 2010
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 by lostintheshell on: Sep 9 2010
Score 63%

It's a shame. I used Linux to get away from Windows nightmare. So I won't used it for my daily desktop. I used Gnome and love it each and everyday.

Ubuntu still sucking on Debian nipples, while other distro matures and develops into something useful.
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 The Power of Linux

 by Shinmaru on: Sep 15 2010
Score 63%

Look we are failing to see the whole point, don't feel shamed that Linux can emulate(to a certain amount)Win7 or Mac.
No, feel proud that Linux can do this and much, much more, people make Win7 or Mac themes only because we can, because Linux can pull that off, you would never be able to make a Linux theme on windows, not even with Windows Blinds, or any theme software for Windows, and Mac just dies before entering the race, simply put Linux can do it, so why not? most users here are only Pure haters, truth be told Linux is the much more powerful than windows and Mac put together>PERIOD< But, really stop hating on the ability of Linux to emulate other OS, instead, say to any other MS user can Windows emulate Mac, or have thousands of different themes for it? Most surely that person would not be able to begin, same goes for a Mac user.
by seeing those fully functional themes I can only further see just how powerful Linux really is.
Remember Linux does it because it can, it's as simple as that.

I run a very operational Win7 theme that runs better on Linux than that on Windows.

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 Real Linux Users

 by Fri13 on: Sep 18 2010
Score 70%

A wise Linux users do not hate other OS's. They love freedom and possibilities. But they ignore the closed source operating systems (NT, CE) and they spread words from the alternatives for those who does not know suchs exists.

A wise Linux user does not care so much about the themes what windowmanagers or desktop environments (or Desktop Shells) looks like. As they are not part of the Linux operating system.

A good open source follower diggs the truth from the politics and marketing. And tries to keep everyones possibilities open as possible.
And tries to maintain a balance between the possibilities. Supporting the other open fellows when they are in problems and wise versa. Trusting to teamwork and not to competition.

A wise Linux user does not neither priest about one distribution being better and over others. But always suggest to use other distributions and courages others to find distribution what suites best to them.

The theme is just like a clothes on you. They do not tell who you actually are. They are just like a tribe markings.

What is Linux and GNU/Linux?

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 Re: Real Linux Users

 by Shinmaru on: Sep 18 2010
Score 50%

and a wise Linux user you are my friend!!

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 Re: Real Linux Users

 by TheRob on: Sep 24 2010
Score 50%

Well put again, it's just a theme anyway,
I don't see why it's such a big deal how
a button looks and vice versa :)

Vista and OSX both look very slick as
there is like a thousand yrs of research
behind what colors work good togheter and
what kinda theme suits most users etc.

Hc linux users usually prefer something
that looks like the matrix screensaver
but.... that does only suit a small amount
of users, usually, if I'm not happy with
a theme, I just redo it a little until I
am :)

OP is a faggot.

"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!" -Denis Leary
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 Re: Re: Real Linux Users

 by Fri13 on: Sep 30 2010
Score 50%

Oh why you Rob then make own Bespin theme and not copy the Windows 7 style? ;-)

Okay, lets put joking aside now. Really... no more joking.

We can make own styles easily what looks slick and good, like your bespin style. Problem might be that people still expects GNOME or KDE Plasma Desktop/Netbook to be like a Windows or Mac OS X. Or get same thing with XFCE4 or LXDE etc.

It is OK if single person wants something similar and applies a Mac OS X or Windows 7 cloned style, but then again, comes the problem when the user shows it to others and non-users gets the believe that "Linux" is just a cheap copy.

It is nice thing that sites like kde-look.org and gnome-look.org (etc) exist so people could post their screenshots and information what is needed to get desktop look like that.

Sometimes I find out screenshots what looks very crappy, like the ones what were in use at 2000. Very bright colors and as you said "the matrix screensaver" thing.

What is Linux and GNU/Linux?

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 by lostintheshell on: Sep 18 2010
Score 50%

Windows can't emulate Compiz in abandoned hardware like LXDE. OS X user working with crippled X.Org desktop for the rest of their lives.

It's your OS not theirs, don't force anyone to use your OS. Stop Ubuntu elitism NOW!!!!
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