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Linux Peace


I'm sick of reading about Kubuntu fans saying how much better KDE is than Ubuntu and GNOME and vice versa, what the hell are you fighting over, we're all using Linux! Why Linux users would fight over various distros just seems dumb to me. People are acting like Ubuntu and its deratives are the only Linux distros, and that somehow they are competitors?!
Aren't you forgetting about Gentoo Linux, Mandriva, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Debian, Fedora, SUSE Linux or any of the other 200 Linux distros?

Join this group if you're tired of and against all of the groups consisting of "No Ubuntu bla bla bla"-, "Kubuntu is better than Ubuntu"- or "Ubuntu is better than Kubuntu"-bullshit!
Also while we're at it, people are fighting over different desktop environments, like "KDE vs GNOME" and so on, I find that just as dumb.

Personally I am a Ubuntu fan and I love Gnome, but that doesn't mean I don't like KDE or Kubuntu, or any other distro. Sure, some distros I like better than others, but I don't go on flaming the ones I didn't like.

Created:Jul 1 2008
Changed:Jul 24 2008
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 Peace is peace

 by marcaemus on: Jul 10 2008
Score 50%

Linux peace is fine. The whole GNU/linux thing is as boring as it is pedantic.

...when all the worlds collide.
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 Re: Peace is peace

 by ElTimo on: Jul 11 2008
Score 50%

mm, yes, shallow and pedantic.

(i apologize, i just had to say it)

\"You say \'poe-tay-toe,\' I say \'the wailing of the innocents.\'\"
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 Re: Re: Peace is peace

 by Fri13 on: Jul 12 2008
Score 50%


Linux is THE OS.

KDE is made for users by users....
What can you give back to others?

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 Re: Re: Re: Peace is peace

 by Punkrockwarlord on: Jul 12 2008
Score 50%

Then Linux Peace it is! :P

I just keep getting happier and happier that I chose Linux, I never knew how bad Vista was before getting rid of it and seeing Linux in action!

sudo apt-get remove windows
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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Peace is peace

 by gnomeartist on: Jul 12 2008
Score 50%

Yes, Vista is very bad.
Linux have to assume power!

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Peace is peace

 by Punkrockwarlord on: Jul 13 2008
Score 50%

Very true, if people were more aware of Linux I'm sure they would see it as the better alternative, but since Microsoft has bought themselves so deeply into the computer market I can see how it's hard for open source OS's like Linux And any other, for that matter) to compete, but I'm really glad to see how Linux has gotten more known lately!

sudo apt-get remove windows
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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Peace is peace

 by Fri13 on: Jul 13 2008
Score 50%

It is just question about time when Linux and other Open Source OS's gets bigger market share. The official calculation of <1% share is false, because Apple has over 7% share now, and it is just one company. Linux has got itself to millions machines and tens of millions use Linux as their OS on daily basics. In brazill alone, on schools.

If we count the amount of companies who offer Linux OS, we have more than few very big company, Mandriva, Novell, Canonical, IBM, Dell, HP etc. (I dont count Asus there because they are Microsoft bitch! Because they promote windows as better OS for Asus EeePC than Linux, on all places!!!)

All Linux distributions have had big market share on their hands on many years, it is just impossible to count every installed Linux. I trust for that what I SEE. Example, if I meet almost every day normal users who has installed Mandriva or Ubuntu, I say it is spread wider than Mac OS X because I know only two persons using Apples machines, both are even on work where that machine is needed :-D

Linux come very strong power and Microsoft knows it. It has very big hurry to tie users to their OS. OEM (dell, HP etc) can now sell machines with alternative OS than just Windows NT. And I hope FreeBSD or OpenBSD comes up too with Linux!

KDE is made for users by users....
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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Peace is peace

 by yanom on: Aug 20 2008
Score 50%

Linux will never have a large market share because it is mostly a free os, but we are getting more know lately

By opening this email, you have activated the Amish computer virus. However, since the Amish don't have computers, this works on the honor system. Please delete all you files. Thank you.


 Promotion and publicity

 by s0l1dsnak3123 on: Jul 13 2008
Score 50%

Linux's market share will only grow as more people find out about it. Although Asus does treat Linux as it's bitch in order to show windows as the luxurious choice, they are doing a good job in promoting Linux on the whole, and they openly admit that their Linux models are much more popular than the windows models.

The only thing we can do is to promote, promote, promote. Give CDs to people. Give them as presents for birthdays, Christmas, whatever. Tell all your friends about it. Show off compiz fusion to them - make them want it - then tell them the price :D

Students and businesses will love it the most for the free software. Tell everyone you know about it - make it cool.

No matter what happens however, things like KDE4 and compiz fusion are killing the "competition" slowly. I predict that once the media hooks on, the Linux market share (which will always be less than the actual market share) will snowball, and M$ and Apple will be slaughtered :D

Just my £0.02

Warning! Linux should not be used by those under the influence of Microsoft.
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 Re: Promotion and publicity

 by Punkrockwarlord on: Jul 13 2008
Score 50%


M$ IS becoming less and less popular, and I've got a theory; I think this is why Bill Gates is quitting M$ now, while they're on "top", he knows M$ is going down so he quits so nobody can't blame M$'s failure on him!

Anyways, Linux is on the up and I can't wait to see how it turns out in the future!

Meanwhile; keep giving away them free Linux CD's! :P Help Linux grow!

sudo apt-get remove windows
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 Re: Re: Promotion and publicity

 by fredbird67 on: Aug 29 2008
Score 50%

Speaking of Bill Gates, the guy who's in charge now, Steve Ballmer, from what I hear, has a real problem with arrogance, and I believe it will come back to bite him in the you-know-where.

The more Linux gains new converts, the better, be it with Ubuntu, PCLinuxOS, SuSE, Fedora, etc., and be it with KDE, GNOME, what have you (I like Xfce myself).

Fred in St. Louis

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 Dell is my friend!

 by gnomeartist on: Jul 15 2008
Score 50%

I would buy a notebook. So I went to the Dell homepage http://www.dell.com and
I saw that Dell market linux notebooks.
Dell look ahead the future!

Here is the correct link:

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 Re: Dell is my friend!

 by Punkrockwarlord on: Jul 15 2008
Score 50%

Oh yeah I read all about that a while ago, and I think that's great news! Two thumbs up to Dell for that, well, Dell USA at least, I'd say two thumbs DOWN to Dell Norway; I went to their pages to look for Dell computers with Linux and it said "Laptops with Linux is not available in Norway", so I thought "OK, it'll come soon I'm sure", then on the top of their page it said "Dell recommends Windows Vista"! Yeah that's right, so two thumbs down to Dell worldwide for being one of the first big companies recognizing Linux, and two thumbs down to Dell Norway, I'm gonna have to order one from the US or somewhere else...

sudo apt-get remove windows
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 Re: Dell is my friend!

 by Fri13 on: Aug 31 2008
Score 50%

Dell is actually offering Linux laptops later than HP or Fujitsu Siemens. About few years later to be exact.

Dell just got free marketing because it made contract with Canonical to ship Ubuntu. While HP ships RedHat and Mandriva and FJ ships openSUSE and RedHat.
After the Dell, on the same Linux-on-laptops markets has stepped Lenovo, Acer, Asus and many other. So everyone actually is looking for future with Linux operating system, by offering different distributions :)

KDE4 is here to konqueror desktops ;-)
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 gnome vs. kde

 by 5er on: Jul 20 2008
Score 50%

I haven't heard of kubuntu vs ubuntu flamewars, but gnome vs. kde flamewars are annoying.

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 Re: gnome vs. kde

 by Punkrockwarlord on: Jul 20 2008
Score 50%

They sure are, and the Kubuntu vs Ubuntu flamewars are just as annoying. And, to be honeest, I just think fighting over Linux distributions is dumb in general, whether it bed Ubuntu vs Kubuntu or Red Hat Linux vs Fedora... It's all Linux, so why people feel the need to flame distro's they don't like/use or have had bad experiences with, beats me.

I'm going to install either Slackware Linux or Linux Mint on my old 'testing' laptop once I get home from my vacation, I've also been meaning to install Xubuntu just to see if Xfce is as fast as I hear people say.

sudo apt-get remove windows
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 Re: Re: gnome vs. kde

 by Fri13 on: Jul 22 2008
Score 50%

You are right, we all are using the same OS. Only different is that we like different systems so we choose what kind distribution we use and then someones start flaming each other, because others do not have same taste or same experiences as they.

I love Linux, without it, I still would be Microsoft's "slave". I dont have anything against Microsoft, but I have against what they do (have done) for whole IT world.

But now I have seen so much alternative flaming, and it is about new Ubuntu users. Reason for it is that it is distribution what gets most new Windows users to try a Linux. But same time, they start flaming against other distributions that they have better "Operating system" than what Kubuntu or Mandriva is. They believe that the distribution means same as OS and they flame it as nerd language and start selling Ubuntu as world #1 OS, while other "Linux based OS's" are just somekind nerd projects etc.

That is one reason why I have started to ignore the whole Ubuntu. I dont like how small amount of people will act against Code of Conduct, how they believe that whole system is same as OS and how they brake whole community down and let Microsoft to win this way.

I say too that we need to promoto Linux, we need to promote all distributions, not just one. We need to tell to world that they have alternative, Linux and they have even many alternatives of it, distributions. And they can have that kind software system what they want and they are never on vendor lock-in. As long we keep together that we keep free software in use and we support KDE (and GNOME) and other free software projects!

KDE is made for users by users....
What can you give back to others?

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 Re: Re: Re: gnome vs. kde

 by Punkrockwarlord on: Jul 27 2008
Score 50%

You are so absolutely correct! While I actually do have something against Microsoft, they took the world by storm years ago and it tears me apart that they dominate over 90% of the computer market because they have completely ruined it, also, I'd like to see what's inside Bill Gate's head, I'm pretty sure it's full of dust because he's not responsible for ANY of Microsofts accomplishments, Sony, Apple and whatever does, Microsoft takes other companies' products, reproduce with a different look and gives it a new name. And now that Bill starts to see that he can't hold control over the computer world (because of Linux, mainly Ubuntu because of it's popularity), he resigns, bastard! So props to Ubuntu, not to all of its users though, flaming other Linux dostros because they think "Ubuntu is the best OS"... Personally I do use Ubuntu, so I can't really agree that I ignore Ubuntu, but rather most of its ignorant users! But then again, I'm glad to see more people joining the Linux community, it just pisses me of that they almost don't know about it themselves, it's a win-lose situation. So props to Ubuntu, but I wish other distro's would get as knows as Ubuntu is, that would speed up things fast as hell for the Linux community, more people would join and every distro would improve even more.

Here's to the future, which we all know is Linux! :P

sudo apt-get remove windows
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 Re: Re: Re: Re: gnome vs. kde

 by 24Scorpions on: Jul 27 2008
Score 50%

Good post! I totally agree.

Skrip ni sair ja leit.
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 by wintermuteX on: Jul 25 2008
Score 50%

I prefer archlinux with kde kde.

A penguin is a penguin. For me, we: the linux community, are a big family. Except m$ linux users&developers (but someday maybe...).

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 by Thinker on: Aug 6 2008
Score 50%

Archlinux is my distro of choice, but that does not stop me from not only seeding torrents for Arch, but also for Fedora, OpenSUSE, Mandriva, (X)(K)Ubuntu, Puppy, and DSL. Ubuntu has been great for the Linux community in terms of exposure, it was what enticed me away from Windows (for the most part)! I eventually settled on Arch because of it's speed and simplicity (KISS), but Ubuntu has a special place for me because it was my first.

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